Science Is Fµ©king Magic!: Spell 10, Care For A Transcendent Spin?

Spell 10

Care For A Transcendent Spin Through The Emergent Metaverse?

Or Do You Dance With The Fallen Ones By The Pale Moonlight?

Let me be clear, as clear as can be, in an infinite maze of infinite complexity. The infinite and eternal work in progress, of sorting the self-sorting God Box of Quantum Mechanics, is not necessarily my priority. I have a far more practical and achievable long shot to aim at. My priority, is going faster than light or bust! But the secrets to doing so seem to be locked inside the God Box of the God Machine. So I’m just going to have to do some of my own sorting of this God Box. But don’t complain to me if you don’t like it, or how it turns out. I just work here. I’m just another ghost in the God Machine. I’m just another part of the infinite and eternal divine Logos process. Welcome to the God Machine of the eternal Logos Storm. And no, the answer is not 42.

In the current view of modern mainstream physics, it is impossible for anything to go faster than light, an unacceptable state of current affairs. That is supposedly the ultimate speed limit of the universe, according Einstein and General Relativity. But the rules of General Relativity are not sacrosanct, as it is still a not completely proven theory. When I found out that there was supposedly no way to go faster than light, I was determined to find a loop hole. Perhaps I’m looking loopholes in all the wrong places, but if the supposed fundamental laws of the universe tell you that you can’t, then you have to find some more fundamental rule that says that you can, pray for miracles, give up, or some combination thereof.

But we can engage in a process of elimination of consideration, by thinking in terms of what is more absolute, relative to the ultimate absolute. By relative absolute, I simply mean that which is not the prime driver of the ultimate absolute, but relative to it in adjacency, in terms of the chain of functional logical dependency. Time would seem absolute to us for example. But time is malleable, warped by gravity, and distorted by speed, in the observed curved space time effects of General Relativity.

But speed was the key question to begin with. And gravity would seem absolute, but gravity is supposed to be a function of mass, according General Relativity. But mass is a phenomenon of what goes on inside the quantum God Box. It is the quantum puzzle box of Quantum Mechanics, made forever an unsolvable puzzle by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle alone. Enter the so called God Particle, of the supposedly already detected Higgs Boson? If so, the God Particle lives in the God Box. All sorts of theoretical physicists are currently working on theories of so called Quantum Gravity.

There is a long standing unresolved problem within modern physics, in terms of reconciling Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. For more on the state of the current debate, check out Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg’s paper, the Einstein-Myth and the Crisis in Modern Physics ( 2004 ). But in any legitimate conflict and contradiction between General Relativity, which tells me I can’t go faster then light, versus Quantum Mechanics that doesn’t necessarily say just yet, I’ll go with Quantum Mechanics. Go with the God Box, my simp.

Nicola Tesla was supposedly critic of General Relativity, doubting that something to could bend nothing. He supposedly worked out his own theory explaining gravity, light, and the motions of planets, as a combination of transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Nicola Tesla was also supposedly a believer in the Aether Hypothesis, supposedly disproven by the results of Michelson Morley experiment. It was that hypothesis that said that there was a substance called the aether that served as the medium through which light traveled in a vacuum. Leaving aside the details of how that may have been misinterpreted, the Aether Hypothesis, is a key part of theories of Plasma Cosmology, alternative paradigms to General Relativity, rooted in Quantum Mechanics and Plasma Physics.

In the same paper previously mentioned by Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg, Dr. Winterberg also suggested his own model based on a hypothetical Planck Mass Plasma:

“With Planck’s finite size elements of space, time and mass, the most simple configuration one can think of is what one may call a Planck mass plasma… Space is densely filled with an equal number of positive and negative Planck mass particles, with each Planck length volume element occupied by one Planck mass particle… The Planck mass particles interact… with particles of equal sign repelling, and those of opposite sign attracting each other…”

For more from Dr. Winterberg himself on the matter, check out his paper, Planck Mass Plasma Vacuum Conjecture (2003), for further detail on the theory. My own slight skepticism of his version of this, is only because I don’t believe that mass is a fundamental characteristic. I believe that mass is an effect of the electromagnetic perturbations of the aether, by systems of otherwise massless charged particles, trapped in their own dynamic electromagnetic entanglement. And gravity is a collateral side effect of the same electromagnetic perturbation, that causes the effect of mass, as collateral damage of the electromagnetic perturbation of the adjacent aether, at the edges of self perturbing and self sustaining particle perturbation system.

I believe that electromagnetic forces, and associated patterns of behavior, are more fundamental to the behavior of the universe and it’s building block than just about anything else. And I believe the aether to be fundamentally an electromagnetic medium above all else. It is after all supposed to the medium through which light travels in a vacuum, and light is a transverse electromagnetic wave.

I also believe that spin is fundamental to everything, in various ways, and various wave forms, especially electromagnetic spin, and especially transcendent and emergent spin. By transcendent spin, I mean, spin beyond spin, in an infinite feedback loop, beyond all normal causation. Causality normally requires a cause for every effect, otherwise it is literally supernatural. But if there is an infinite feedback loop, then cause begets an effect, that begets the cause in return, repeating the cycle endlessly. But the First Law of Thermodynamics virtually demands that the entire universe function as an infinite feedback loop in it’s transcendent totality, rendering time into a transcendent eternal stream of causality, transcendent of the specifics of cause and effect, beyond any particular cause or effect.

In a similar manner to Rene Descartes reasoning behind ‘I think therefore I am’, the active ongoing seemingly infinite feedback loops of the universe, in the form of our very own species if nothing else, are an empirical existential fact our existence. Therefore they can exist in general, and they transcend normal causality. But any such transcendent causality beyond causality, is effectively a one way causality, that which can effect but not be effected, effectively supernatural, and truly absolute. But in previous writings on the subject, in terms any true absolute, there can be only one. Any true absolute cannot be effected or changed in it’s behavior, otherwise it is not truly absolute. If there appear to be several such infinite feedback loops, then they all must be different concurrent and co-resonant processes, as collateral side effect of the primary feedback loop, attached to one and the same wheelwork.

In general, correlation is not causation. If A is correlated with B, we don’t necessarily know if A is the cause of B, or if B is the cause of A. There could even be a third unknown factor that causes the other two, driving the correlation. If A and B appear to be causes of each other, in an infinite feedback loop, there could be a third unknown factor driving the process of the other two. But that just begs the question ‘what?’ A question that may or may not be answerable within the limits of the methods of logic and science.

But if there be any such third factor, driving any such infinite feedback loop, then there can be only one such factor, by the logic of the absolute. And if so, then all such apparent infinite feedback loops are driven in kind, directly or indirectly, by that very same factor. But this ultimate prime factor, is effectively itself transcendent of all normal causality. Therefore it is effectively transcendent of time, the proper definition of eternal.

So what exactly is the infinite feedback loop at the heart of all of existence? In my previous writings on the matter, I have called this the Logos Storm, the unstoppable force of infinite energy, of an infinite information feedback loop within the aether, the infinitely distributed, and thus immovable axis in the eye of the Logos Storm. The Logos Storm, and all of existence with it, is what happens when the unstoppable Logos Force meets the immovable aether objects, eternity itself.

In Daoism, this fundamental feedback loop is expressed and understood symbolically, as the dynamic interplay and interchange between ying and yang, where the kernal of one grows within the heart of the other. The ultimate dao in Daoism, is simply the ultimate way of all things, as the word dao is literally just the word for way. But the ultimate dao is not simply the way of ying and yang. The ultimate dao is transcendent of them, a totality greater than the sum of it’s parts.

‘God’ proper, is a totality greater than the sum of it’s parts, by transcendent definition. Therefore, God is transcendent of the God Machine, Logos, the Logos Storm, or the Primary Sympathetic Resonance( PSR ) of the Logos Force generated by it as described previously. Therefore, ‘God’ proper, is absolute ultimate transcendence. Like infinite Russian nesting dolls, in terms of transcendence of transcendence of transcendence, ‘God’ proper is the most transcendent thing of all other apparently transcendent things, by transcendent definition. The ultimate and only true effect without cause.

God is simultaneously the process, the processor, the truth of the process, and the sole purpose thereof, but is also the ultimate transcendence of all of that, and is the ultimate source of any other transcendence. God is the ultimate transcendence of the tapestry of fate from Greek mythology, where the three Greek Goddesses known collectively as The Fates, weave the tapestry of The Fates, the pattern of causality. In the weave of The Fates, each thread represents a single life. When it’s cut, that’s the end of that life, their final fate. But no matter how many threads come and go, the tapestry of The Fates continues on for all eternity, the transcendent eternal medium for the infinite and eternal flow of the ephemeral.

But the threads are never cut, but only submerge within the pattern of the weave, only to re-emerge later. Only in this way, and only in this context, can the human soul be said to be immortal, effectively by transcendence. But only because the ultimate transcendence of God rubs off on us a little, through the emergent miracle phenomenon, of Immortal Sympathetic Resonance( ISR ). It is itself a function of Eternal Sympathetic Resonance( ESR ). And it is absolutely driven by PSR, as an absolute function of the transcendent infinite eternal Logos Storm. The infinite Logos energy acts as the unstoppable force, spinning about the immovable axis of the God Machine.

That is the infinite and eternal God Machine. And the infinite information feedback loops, within the infinitely distributed aether, are it’s infinite and eternal wheelwork. All of which resides and operates inside the eternally locked quantum puzzle box of Quantum Mechanics, created by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It is the locked God Box, and the locked hood of the God Machine. And spin in various forms, and wave forms, is all over the mathematics of the God Box, in terms of what little of the infinite puzzle, that science can discern and derive thus far.

But what of emergence versus transcendence? The two terms are somewhat interchangeable. Technically speaking, emergence is a phenomenon of the veil of infinite deterministic complexity, as it emerges within the patterns of deterministic chaos, that is a mirage of infinite chaos, born of the veil. The complex emergent effect, emerges within, but does not separate from, the complex source phenomenon. The very complexity of the emergent phenomenon hides the exact causality of the emergence from us. Again, it is a totality that is greater than the sum of it’s parts, and is thus transcendent to that extent as well, by transcendent definition.

As an example of emergence versus transcendence, consider the simple writing, of simple words, upon a simple page, just in general with nothing fancy, any words, on any page, with any writer. Physically, we’re just talking about paper made from dead trees, with ink deposited on the surface in some areas, and not in others. There is a pattern in how the ink is deposited, but that only means something to the person who subjectively perceives them, reads them, and interprets their meaning, not to mention writing them to create the meaningful pattern to begin with.

Even with just this in mind, the writing of words on paper is already a transcendent process, with a totality greater than the sum of it’s physical parts and details. The pattern on the paper is an emergent phenomenon, that feeds back into the transcendent process of writing, helping generate further writing. Thus transcendence and emergence are their own feedback loop, much like that of ying and yang as described in earlier writing, in terms of the relation between the objective and the subjective.

In Science Is Fµ©king Magic, Spell 3, The Ying And Yang, I explained how the relation of the existential objective and the emergent subjective is a proper ying and yang relation, in terms of interacting and interchanging complimentary opposites. The objective is subjectively observed, and subjectively understood and considered, then objectively acted upon, generating objective results, to then be further subjectively observed, and on and on for life. That is true for all human activity, but there is a greater transcendence to writing than normal for most human behavior short of music, art, or prayer.

The very cause and impetus for writing to begin with, is already the transcendent Logos process of the Logos Storm, a transcendent eternal infinite information feedback loop that serves as the ultimate prime driver of the God Machine. We the emergent cogs serve our function in the great God Machine, by feeding back into it all the information of our lives, every detail of every action, every thought, word, and deed. This feeds back into the transcendent and eternal Logos Storm, as part of it’s transcendent eternal feedback loop to begin with.

Because we are a part of this process, we are transcendent fractal representations of the transcendent divine Logos process, the truth behind the macrocosm versus microcosm ‘as above… so below’ relation. But even the inert and inanimate matter of the universe all around us, is a part of the infinite computational program of the Logos process. Life is largely just an evolved extension of the God Machine, as a product of, and further organization of it’s Logos process, as Logos Genesis. Life is an emergent product the the God Machine’s Logos, that feeds back into itself, as part it’s own transcendent feedback Logos loop.

Then the Logos process of life, known as evolution, produces the brain, an organic wet ware neural network, as a Logos machine, effectively made by, for, and with Logos, a transcendent cog of the transcendent Logos. Then our Logos creates writing, as an extension of it’s Logos, effectively externalizing memory to some extent, rendering memory effectively partly transcendent of generational change by virtue of being able to pass on the externalized memory to that extent. It also provides an extension of the organization among the cogs, by allowing clear direct communication between them, even without being physically in each others presence, thus being at least partly transcendental with respect to the limitations of communication over distance in space. And it’s the first among all other means to do so, first among many.

One might even say that the emergent spontaneous order of the internet itself is unavoidably part of logos, as the extension of our Logos that we created mostly without realizing it. Some suspect that artificial intelligence already exists in the form of the internet itself, with us as it’s participating cogs, mostly unaware of this participation in any hypothetical man made artificial Logos. But all of this is already a part of the transcendent Logos process, that is already represented by just ordinary words on ordinary paper. Life, sentience, and writing are already emergent and transcendent miracles of divine Logos process.

In Daoism, dao just means way. And the ultimate dao, is the great mystery of Daoism, the ultimate way of all things, thus God effectively by another name. But not necessarily the God that you believe in. That’s the great mystery! You’re meant to sort it! But the Daoist version is represented by ying and yang, which is just a symbolically represented infinite feedback loop. But the ultimate dao is not ying and yang. That is only the representation that Daoists have for what little they can discern. Ultimately the ultimate dao is transcendent of ying and yang, but is nonetheless the transcendent way of them.

This is why I previously defined ‘God’ proper as ultimate transcendence, transcending all of these transcendent things, especially the ying and the yang of the transcendent and the emergent, and the feedback loop thereof. But ying and yang are just the simplest symbolic representation of an infinitely complex process. Even the Kabbala of the Tarot deck is still just an unavoidably gross oversimplification the infinite and transcendent divine. These symbolic representation schemes are just shortcuts for dealing with the infinite, as an extension and tool of Logos, just like ordinary writing on an ordinary page. It’s all a part of, an extension of, and a tool of, the infinite, eternal, and divine Logos process.

‘So what’s the difference?’ becomes a key question here. Previously, I have described the methods of logic, reason, an science, as being empowered by their limitations. The validity of what it can say, is validated by the limits of what it can’t say. Beyond those limits are questions that are unavoidably questions of faith, logically speaking, whether you like it or not. Up to that point is strictly the province and limitation of logic, beyond which is the province and limitation of faith. But where they meet in the middle, is the gray area of the unsolvable puzzle box of Quantum Mechanics.

The God Box, and the threshold interface between logic and faith created by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is where logic can only frame the questions that ultimately must be answered by faith. And it can only be done on a strictly individual basis, as part of our roles as individual cogs in the God Machine, and as part of the Logos process. Faith is largely a function of feelings, but logic cannot argue with feelings, except from a stand point of logic itself. Beyond those limits, logic can only help frame the questions, or shut the hell up otherwise, preferably both, wherever logically appropriate, and only as logically appropriate.

The gap between strictly logic and strictly faith, is strictly the great mystery of Daoism, the ultimate way of all things, and with ‘God’ as a placeholder for the variable of the gap, which hypothetically fills the God Gap in between strictly logic, versus strictly faith. But the God Gap is not just within the realm of the God Box of Quantum Mechanics. It primarily exists within the gap between the empirically manifest totality of the amalgamated whole, versus the literal and logical sum of it’s parts. It is the difference between what emerges, versus what it emerges from. This gap is also between the nuts and bolts mechanics of the hypothetical Logos Storm, as the prime driver of all things, and the manifest transcendence of it, manifest in the transcendent phenomenon all around us, including us. Thus ‘God’ proper is defined by me here to simply mean absolute ultimate transcendence.

But what is the meaning and purpose of all of this? Meaning and purpose are questions of logical causality, essentially ‘Why did this happen?’ and ‘How could this be?’ As God is defined the ultimate absolute prime driver of all things, it is the ultimate cause, with no cause for it, a strictly one way causality. But internally to itself, it is best described as an infinite feedback loop of causality, with no other meaning or purpose for it effectively, as none are required. Meaning and purpose are transient and ephemeral things, for we the transient and ephemeral.

There is no ultimate meaning or purpose to ‘God’ proper, because God is the ultimate transcendence of all of it. And thus God is the transcendent source of all meaning and purpose to all transient and ephemeral things. The ultimate transcendence of ‘God’ proper is therefore the source of all other transcendence, by transcendent definition. To be clear, ultimate meaning and purpose are not reserved for God. Transient meaning and purposes come from God. But God doesn’t need any such thing. Because God transcends all of that. God just is. And God is as God does effectively, for all intents and purposes from our perspectives as mere cogs in the God Machine.

To the extent that we mere cogs can simply be transcendent in this way, it is only as an infinite fractal representation, of the infinite and eternal divine transcendent whole of God, as a transcendent cog of a transcendent machine, that is the divine and eternal Logos process. In this sense, and to this extent, we are all just making our way through the infinite deterministic chaos casino of God’s creation. And that is a part of the transcendent divine Logos process, of which we are only mere semi-transcendent cogs.

In short, God does not play dice. But we are not God. So must play dice as best as we can, as our part to play on the infinite game. Our participation in Logos is how we learn to play the game better, as part of our functions as mere cogs in the infinite and eternal self sorting process of the God Box of the God Machine. God has no meaning or purpose and none are required, but we get ours from the absolutely and ultimately transcendent God.

As such, ‘God is as God does’ is effectively the ultimate self referencing definition. As such, God is just whatever I don’t know or can’t know through logic, reason, and science. Which is guaranteed to exist by the limits thereof. Therefore, God exists. Because God was already defined as something that exists as such. And I have already proven God to exist as thus defined, not that it necessarily matters as such. For my next trick, I plan on finally counting those damn angels dancing on the head of the pin, at some point before or after I pull a rabbit out of my hat. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the rabbit. I’m not Bullwinkle J. Moose!

But what of the details? There may be devils lurking in those details. Or so I hear. And exactly what qualifies as a devil to begin with? First of all, by definition, the ultimate absolute must be an absolute singularity. There can be only one. No devil, by any definition thereof, can ever be the ultimate absolute, even though they may want to be. But in an infinite and eternal universe, if there can be any one devil anywhere, in any way, or at any time, then there will be an infinite number of them, in infinite variation, spread out over all of infinite space, over the course of all of eternity, of infinite time, by the laws of probability alone. They are quite literally a dime for an infinite dozen, nothing special.

But what of the devilish details of the devils themselves? How does one properly define a devil, so that we may recognize such a creature, should we come across one, lurking within the details of our considerations? One definition of a devil, is that of hypothetical fallen angels, i.e. Lucifer by name in the bible, among others. But that just begs questions about the nature of the angels, and what it means to be ‘fallen.’

Firstly, what exactly does it mean to be fallen? Fallen from what? Or into what? The word fallen implies the reaching a height, from which one has fallen, usually depicted as literally falling into a pit of hell, with Lucifer delivered there personally by the archangel Michael. But in terms of my Logos Storm analogy, ‘falling’ takes on more the meaning of ‘falling away from.’

If we can imagine the Logos Storm, as the ultimate divine cosmic hurricane. Then we can even imagine a calm in the eye of the Logos Storm, as a void in the Logos noise, around which all of Logos turns as it’s immovable axis, itself transcendent of all the noise spinning around it. To be fallen in this context, is to be fallen away from the eye of the Logos Storm, by one means or another. And to be risen then, is to become ‘closer to God,’ by definition. Which in context, simply means to move relatively closer to the eye of the Logos Storm.

Both of these things are examples of a type of spiritual evolution relative to God, both for and against, both to and from. Of course, ‘God’ proper is ultimately transcendent of all such processes of evolution, by transcendent definition. Evolution in this context, is simply progress through, what is effectively an endless infinite and eternal game of Logos. And we are but it’s mere players, strutting upon the stage, and making our way through an infinite deterministic chaos maze, God’s infinite chaos casino, with the ultimate goal and purpose for we mere cogs, getting closer and closer to the eye of the Logos Storm, and contribute to the overall Logos process along the way, as mere cogs of it.

But we are not the only players. And not all cogs are equally skilled in playing the infinite and eternal game, as a logical consequence of the evolution of the players within the game. As a consequence of the infinite and eternal nature of the game, there is no final or ultimate anything. There is no final judgment, final fate, or final verdict, save for the final verdict of time, which is eternal. The past is final, but it is the only thing that is final within God’s infinite and eternal game. But that does not mean that there is no judgment of fate, or the imposition of corrective consequences.

The rules of the infinite and eternal game are God’s rules, and they are imposed and enforced continuously, and inescapably by the God Machine. This model follows more the example of a continuous and eternal Karma, than any ultimate judgment day. As a consequence of this, no matter how far you fall, you can always reverse course, but the further that you fall away, the harder it is to claw your way back, but never impossible, not even from a hypothetical hell.

But in terms of moving in the other direction, there is an ultimate asymptotic limit on any of us getting closer to ‘God’ proper, because we cannot be God, by the transcendent definition thereof. As such, the dynamic of rising versus falling in this context, could be seen as an index of good versus evil, with this dynamic defining good and evil as such. Good is essentially defined as being or moving closer to God, with evil defined as it’s negation. Evil is defined here by negation, because there can be no source of pure evil that can somehow counteract what is otherwise the absolute good of God, by virtue of the transcendent definition of absolute God.

But how can evil exist at all then? And how do we define evil, so that we can keep an eye out for those devils? Since evil is defined by the negation of good, then the proper definition of good, in turn answers the question about the definition of evil by negation. So with good defined as closer, or getting closer, to God, what gets us closer? How do we ‘rise?’ The obvious answer in context, is Logos. Simply defined in context, Logos is truth and sanity, and everything that serves those purposes. Therefore, evil is the negation of truth and sanity, and all the means thereof. Effectively, evil is, as madness does.

To some extent, Logos is as Logos does, as Logos is a product of the Logos process. So what exactly is the Logos process of hypothetical cog evolution within the God Machine? In my previous writing, I speculated about the upper limit of cog evolution, and what that may look like, as not all cogs in the hypothetical God machine are necessarily created equal, or have to stay the same as is. If a cog approaches the ultimate absolute prime driver, in terms of the chain of functional dependency, then it may be indistinguishable from the prime driver itself, from the perspective of us mere ordinary cogs. A hypothetical Trinity may explain the seeming contradiction, of an absolute father and son team, that give out free will while they’re absolute. For an absolute to be absolute, it cannot be a function of, or even effected by, anything else.

Therefore, the ultimate absolute must be constant in it’s behavior, but never frozen in time, in order to function as the prime driver. But for there to be a God’s will or judgment, or even just intervention of any kind, there must be something that changes it’s mind in response to the functioning of the rest of the God machine. But these are ultimately just cogs tied at the hype directly to the ultimate prime driver. Thus they are immediately prime driver adjacent, as the father and the son, adjacent to the holy ghost, effectively prime driver plus.

Further out in terms of this adjacency, relative to the prime driver itself, are the possibilities of creatures such as angels. The term angel literally just means messenger. The angels are almost always depicted talking to prophets, when they aren’t actively smiting other angels, like the fallen one Lucifer, among others. They act as intermediaries between almighty God, and the not so mighty prophets, unable to handle the unfiltered infinite God feed, unlike the angels closer in adjacency to the prime driver, of the infinite and eternal God machine. But the example of Lucifer shows that being closer in, in terms of adjacency, is no guarantee of being trustworthy. Beware of angels bearing gifts. And always look the gift miracle in the mouth.

Angels, or angel like creatures, could be generated by Logos Genesis, made to God’s order, or they could be the result of cog evolution, made by God through other means. If angels evolve to be good, then they can devolve to become evil, already defined as the mad defiant negation of Logos. The story of Lucifer is largely a story of falling due to mad vanity and jealousy. As I recall, Lucifer was supposed God most favored angel, the best, the brightest, and the most faithful angel of them all. But God favored man in some way that I don’t recall or care about. And Lucifer threw a fit of mad, pointless, and futile rebellion, bringing many other angels with him in the process.

I personally find it hard to fully imagine the level of madness the results from this. To even be an angel, or even just angel like, is to know God, not believe, know! But to willfully defy what you absolutely know to be true, and to be absolutely beyond you, is a level of madness beyond madness. It is as close to a notion of pure absolute evil as possible. But absolute madness is no more possible than absolute evil, in the face of absolute God. And once you rise so high as that, you can’t simply forget everything, or easily return to some hypothetical beginning origin, in order to start again.

Hypothetical fallen angels, get to be angels hypothetically, by virtue of mastering God’s game so well, that they rise to that level relative to God. And that mastery likely never goes away, but becomes twisted, and utilized for other purposes. They are still playing the game with us, but they are playing against us, and against the house, but it’s God house, and the house always wins in the eternal long run. They absolutely know this, and they don’t care. They play for mocking futile defiance, for the sake of mocking futile defiance, to harass and confuse Logos, like willful demonic malware for the Logos of the God Machine, because that is all they have without the embrace and surrender to God’s Logos.

I imagine, that when you get that close to begin with, you not only know God, but crave God obsessively, perhaps even want to be God. But this can never happen, not even approximately, without the surrender of vanity and ego before God. I originally posited a hypothetical complex definition of God, not just the prime driver, but prime driver plus, for a hypothetical Trinity of the God Machine. But the prime driver is the ultimate absolute, and as such drives with absolute eternal consistency. Therefore it can’t think, choose, or will for God. Something else must do that if it is to occur at all.

In terms of immediate adjacency, with respect to the ultimate absolute, there is hypothetically a cone of conforming exclusion, whose fine point represents the closest you can possibly get to the ultimate absolute, without being the ultimate absolute. As the high end cogs approach the closest point, they must all conform more and more, to the ultimate absolute, in order to get closer and closer to it. Almost inevitably in this scenario, they all conform and converge into a single archetypal Father of Logos cog. But that requires the surrender of vanity and ego, in order to make that hypothetical last step. Careful of that last step. It’s a doozy. Mind the God Gap.

Short of being fallen, or surrendering in this way, we could imagine other minor subsidiary cones of conforming exclusion, like well worn pathways of approach to the center, with each being archetype conforming in their own way. It could create the impression of a pantheon of archetypal gods, with angels recast as gods of good, and fallen angels recast as gods of evil. But they are all just playing the game in here with us. But they all play at a higher level than we do, fallen or otherwise.

But how do the fallen ones play exactly? Remember, the higher end cogs also play against each other. But they can’t fool each other with the simplistic deceptions of explicitly false statements. To paraphrase John Maynard Keynes, over a long enough time horizon, all lies die a death of truth. I other words, time will tell, and truth will out, but never perfectly or completely. The fallen ones theoretically exploit this difference, but not with the explicit false statements of some low level con artist.

Hypothetically truly immortal beings, with a hypothetically perfect and immortal memory, will remember every slight, broken promise, and exposed lie, for all of eternity. Over time, among multiple such entities, this basic fact by itself, becomes an enforcement mechanism for honor, even among the fallen ones. Every lie told by a fallen one, to anyone, may eventually get back to the other higher end cogs that they are playing against, and undermine their long game.

As a consequence, I suspect that the fallen ones, even Lucifer I suspect, cannot explicitly lie. They can only play the game with white lies of omission, false or misleading parables, mocking jokes, and leading or misleading questions. At some intermediary point between us and the hypothetical fallen ones, we can and do observe deceptions that mix the truth with lies, because it’s hard to parse them out again once that’s done. If you reject the lies, you reject the truth right along with the lies. If you accept the truth, you accept the lies right along with the truth. Either way you get an effectively false picture, with either resulting viewpoint being effectively false. And they can then be pitted against each other, for divide and conquer purposes.

But the hypothetical fallen ones as described, cannot lie. But they don’t need to. We lie to ourselves habitually without any help from hypothetical fallen ones. But the fallen ones can utilize complimentary opposite sets of white lies, in order to effect the same divide and conquer strategy as described by the effect of mixing truth with lies. And there is no shortage of possible variations of white lies. In fact, they are infinitely variable in nature. Because the truth has infinite detail of infinite complexity, like the infinite candelabra discussed in previous writing, where you have an infinite array of perfectly true things, that dazzle and confuse from their infinite complexity, but not from falsehood.

Infinite complexity acts as a veil of truth against truth, all true perception is nothing but a glimmer of a fraction of the infinitely complex truth. Existence itself is an inherently deceptive mirage of deterministic chaos. The fallen ones only take advantage of this. Spiritual counterfeit substitution as described before, is one of the principle games that they play against us. They are playing by the rules, but doing so by the real rules. And they have been doing so for a very long time. They just play better than we do, better than we can without help and guidance.

Enter Jesus, hypothetically speaking, as a periodic ‘Jesus’ function of the infinite and eternal divine Logos process, an archetypal Son of Logos cog, a complimentary adjunct to the archetypal Father of Logos cog, as a hypothetical product of Logos Genesis. And if it can happen once, then recite the litany of probability here. This is similar to what was said of the hypothetical infinitude of devils. And perhaps it is partially as a counter balance, Logos readjusting and balancing itself under the influence of dark prankster fallen ones.

And if it can happen once, then recite the litany of probability here, and brace yourself for the next iteration of the process, never mind a ‘second’ coming. It might be a good idea to get off the planet some time soon before that happens. But as it is now, there’s no way to do that short of death and the space program. And the space program can’t go anywhere near far enough for this. I’m not holding my breath, but if someone doesn’t figure out how to go faster than light soon, there won’t be any safe place here, for what seems to be coming. We are all going to have to choose sides, resign ourselves to our fates, or just get caught up in the maw of what’s coming anyway, as inescapable collateral damage of what happens when the Logos game gets ultra fµ©king real!

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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